Southwest Steel Expands Newport Plant, Adding 100 Jobs

Southwest Steel Processing announced early this month their $18 million expansion plan for its Newport plant, and with it, an additional 100 jobs at the facility.

"The expansion of a second forging line will enable us to produce more high-quality yet competitively-priced forged steel parts to our customers," Ken Copeland, president of Southwest Steel Processing, said.

"We are pleased to have the help and support of Governor Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas Economic Development Commission, Arkansas Development Finance Authority and the City of Newport Economic Development Commission that makes this expansion possible," Copeland added.

In February 2014, the Arkansas Economic Development Commission and Arkansas Development Finance Authority approved an $11 million bond to help support the expansion.

"This type of expansion would be difficult without an already strong workforce in place," Governor Hutchinson said. "I thank Southwest Steel Processing for their role in making this project a reality. We appreciate the company's decision to continue growing in Arkansas."

The company manufactures railcar and oil and gas components and is a partnership between Cleveland-based Park Ohio and Arkansas Steel Associates LLC of Newport.

With the additional 100 jobs, the total employment at the plant will now be 220.

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